The charming medieval town of Châtillon-sur-Chalaronne, a floral town with a 4-flower rating and winner of the National Floral Grand Prix, contains wonderful heritage buildings. These include picturesque timber-framed houses, a 17th-century wooden market hall, the gate of Villars, the Church of Saint-André in the flamboyant gothic style, Saint Vincent de Paul House, and the relics of the old castle. The floral bridges and riverbanks of the Chalaronne are ideal for a leisurely stroll. A traditional market full of local produce takes place every Saturday morning in the covered market at Châtillon-sur-Chalaronne. The market even has an organ grinder.


The image was taken with a hand-held Phase One 645XF Camera at ISO 200. Exposure of 1/200th of a second and an aperture of F5.6. Schneider Kreuznach 45 mm lens with leaf shutter. The image was captured on a Phase One IQ3 100 megapixel digital back.